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 After Jha ji...its Prachanda's turn to speak Hindi
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Posted on 07-26-08 2:05 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-26-08 3:46 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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सला कुत्तेके औलाद, बेशरम प्रचण्डे बाहुन

Posted on 07-26-08 5:43 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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thanks tika ji
these all are inidan RAW agents. maoist  main job was to kick indian enemy, monarchy. they successd. neo they are trying to make sikkimisation. just wait for few years, we will automaticaly be a part of inda.

prachanda raw agent--- Murdabad.

Posted on 07-26-08 7:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I'm more tolerant of this because Prachanda here is addressing mostly Indian audience. What Jha did is unforgivable. Taking oath is a symbolic and sacred ceremony where you pledge your alliance to COMMON (stress on common) cultural heritage, UNITY and national SOVEREIGNTY, national language and dress are part of that heritage and Jha has defiled that. I wanna drag him down to streets and beat some sense into him. And WTF are other political leaders doing about it? Nothing.

Posted on 07-26-08 9:41 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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What language would you speak if you are in India where majority of population speaks Hindi, and you are not very good at English?  Who would understand Nepali language in India and how effective would that be if targeted audience is Indian public ? Has Prachada gone against Nepal Constitution by speaking in Hindi in an Indian channel?  Is it not good to know that Prachanda is tri-linguist unlike other world leaders who are multi-linguist?  


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