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 Open Letter to Sajha Admin and Nepali Organizations in the U.S.
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Posted on 02-06-25 2:59 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dear Sajha Admin and Esteemed Nepali Organizations in the United States,

I am reaching out with a heartfelt request for your support on behalf of Nepalese TPS holders who have been residing in the U.S. since 2015. As we approach the expiration of Nepalese TPS in June 2025, uncertainty surrounds the possibility of an extension under the new administration. This situation is causing considerable concern for those who have built their lives in the U.S., with many having U.S. citizen children. The prospect of returning to Nepal would create immense hardship for these individuals and their families.

It is also important to note that Nepalese TPS holders are fewer in number compared to other groups in the U.S., and they have consistently shown good moral character and contributed positively to their communities.

In light of these circumstances, I kindly urge the Sajha Admin and all Nepali organizations to advocate with the Nepali government, requesting an extension of TPS or, in the event of termination, a transition period of at least one year. This would offer significant relief to those affected by this uncertainty.

Thank you for your attention to this matter and your continued support for the Nepalese community in the U.S.


Sri P. RL Devi

Posted on 02-06-25 4:34 PM     [Snapshot: 119]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you, SIS. I know we have had our differences, but I really appreciate this.
Posted on 02-06-25 6:00 PM     [Snapshot: 233]     Reply [Subscribe]
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As if sajha admin le bhanerai hune jasari request gariyo ta sexy in sari ????? Kasaile kehi garna sakdaina aba. Its OVER.
Posted on 02-06-25 6:22 PM     [Snapshot: 237]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@ Oops i did it again, किन डाहा इर्षा गछौ। मुजी तिमि २०१५ पछि आएको अभागी हो जस्तो छौ। मुजी आलछीनी सेक्सीले राम्रो लेखेको पोस्टमा लोद्दर हान्न आउछ। राम्रो थोपडा छैन भने राम्रो बचन त बॊल।
Posted on 02-06-25 6:30 PM     [Snapshot: 266]     Reply [Subscribe]
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सेक्सी यो "RL" भने को के हो? न्यु योर्क मा धरै योन कार्य गर्ने छप्क्कीहरु ले नामको बीच मा "RL" लेखेका हुन्छन। तिमि पनि न्यु योर्क तिर नै छौ की के हो।
Posted on 02-06-25 7:39 PM     [Snapshot: 384]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rajya Laxmi lekhna khojya hola macbro. Pahila Raj Pariwar haru le lekhthe. Aajkal Thapa haru le khub lekheko dekhya chu.
Posted on 02-07-25 12:46 AM     [Snapshot: 566]     Reply [Subscribe]
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a feeble attempt at sarcasm from Sri P. RL Devi aka Sri Petbokera ResidencyLiney ani tuhhyauney Devi aka one of the many aliases of ghan taukey

Posted on 02-07-25 9:06 PM     [Snapshot: 920]     Reply [Subscribe]
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RL mane Rajya Laxmi bhaye P mane Pussy? :)
Last edited: 07-Feb-25 09:06 PM

Posted on 02-07-25 9:36 PM     [Snapshot: 961]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sri. Panch Rajya Laxmi Devi lekheki hola. Rajabadi holi ni ta SIS
Posted on 02-08-25 8:49 PM     [Snapshot: 1358]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Je sukoi hoss, sabai lai affnu tarika ma Jeune deu.

Dear DT,
You are a smart man, with all the labor storage. You don't wanna get rid of people already in the system, are paying taxes and contributing to the society. Have been living in the US for 10 years.
You should focus on recent illegal entries from the southern border.


Mero personal experience says that's what this administration is doing. I hope the not sent letter above eazes tension to folks who are worried.

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