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 Alert for Nepalese Businesses in D.C. MetroArea
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Posted on 01-08-25 8:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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According to NBC News, ICE plans raids starting January 20, targeting restaurants, bars, and malls in D.C., Fairfax County, and Montgomery County, with a focus on undocumented workers. This information was tipped by three individuals who spoke on the condition of anonymity, as they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

Nepalese-owned businesses are urged to review hiring practices and ensure compliance with immigration laws. If you’ve followed legal hiring requirements, this should not be an issue. However, if concerns exist, seek legal advice immediately.

Protect your business and employees by staying informed and prepared. Share this alert with others in the Nepalese community.

This is a developing situation. Updates to follow. Stay vigilant!

Posted on 01-08-25 9:47 PM     [Snapshot: 122]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Be joyous and cheerful
Posted on 01-08-25 11:08 PM     [Snapshot: 218]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What if you wear red MAGA hat while at work ?
Will the ICE just ignore you just in case they raid your workplace ?

Posted on 01-09-25 9:45 AM     [Snapshot: 465]     Reply [Subscribe]
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MAGA get rid of these cockroaches they dont pay taxes either
These mfers made this country bleed evading taxes with slave labor
Posted on 01-09-25 9:59 AM     [Snapshot: 492]     Reply [Subscribe]
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undocumented immigrants’ tax contributions as of 2022, shows those totaled $96.7 billion that year. Study authors also found that undocumented immigrants would contribute $40.2 billion more per year in federal, state and local taxes if all of the undocumented population had access to work authorization. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy reasoned that this boost would come from higher wages associated with employment authorization and easier compliance with income tax laws.

Where as Maga Nefoli takes ppp loans and don't pay back
Posted on 01-09-25 10:07 AM     [Snapshot: 488]     Reply [Subscribe]
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जिन मै हिन्दुत्व लिएर जन्मेका हरु देश छोडेर २-४ दशक बिदेशीएका , उच्च शिक्षा हासिल गरे पनि सोच र ब्यबहार भने जहीको त्यहि नै रहन्छ |
कलेज ताका झा जी को " गिदडकि खाल बदलि जा सकति है लेकिन आदते कभी नही"

साझा थुतुने हरुले झाङ्गिदै छ |
Posted on 01-09-25 10:52 AM     [Snapshot: 582]     Reply [Subscribe]
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थुक्क माकासुली | यो जाँठो ट्रंपले मेरो कट्टु नफुकाली कंडो हानिराको छ | मुटु काँपदा, कंडोको दुलो दुख्छ अचेल त् | न त् बिहे गर्न सिटिजनशिप भाको नेपाली बेहुली फेला पार्न सकेको छ, न त् केहि गतिलो राम्रो खबर सुन्न पाको छ | सार्है तनाब स्तिथितिमा छ साथि भाइहरु हो |

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