Here you go. This VBA function is a function that I use in one of my VBA programs. All I had to do was modify it slightly for your purposes. All you have to do is simply call the function like:
searchFile "*.txt", "c:\", False
Hope this helps
'Returns 1 on success 0 on Failure
'You can use wildcards also in the filename.
' Ex: *.txt
'Note: Don't do: searchFile "*.txt", "c:\", True (Your computer might hang)
Function searchFile(file_name As String, path_to_search As String, look_in_sub_folders As Boolean)
Dim perr, res_row_no, res_row_col
Dim File_Path As String, out_file As String, title1 As String, add_extension As String, res_sheet_name As String
Dim No_Of_Files As Integer, i As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_searchFile
title1 = "File Search v1.0"
'You can modify these values
res_sheet_name = "Sheet3" 'If you are in a different sheet, simply put the sheet name here
res_row_no = 1 'Give the starting row number where you want the results displayed
res_row_col = "a" 'Give the column where you want the results to be displayed
'Don't modify
res_row_col = Asc(UCase(res_row_col)) - 65 + 1
'Search for the file
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = path_to_search
.filename = file_name
.SearchSubFolders = look_in_sub_folders
No_Of_Files = .FoundFiles.Count
If No_Of_Files <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Sorry couldn't find " & file_name & " in " & path_to_search & ".", , title1
GoTo failed_exit
Else 'If the file(s) was found
For i = 1 To No_Of_Files
Worksheets(res_sheet_name).Cells(i + res_row_no - 1, res_row_col).Value = .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
End If
End With
searchFile = 1 'Success code
Exit Function 'Sucessful exit of the function
perr = Err
MsgBox "ERROR! Inside searchFile. " & Err.Description, , title1
searchFile = 0
End Function