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Posted on 01-21-25 5:28
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New Era is coming in 21st century and you will see it everywhere now especially right-wing group. Do not surprise is someone gives Nazi Salute in House or Congress. https://www.newsweek.com/roman-salute-elon-musk-nazi-gesture-2018109
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Posted on 01-21-25 7:05
PM [Snapshot: 96]
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Maga used to do it subtly but now they can come out in open
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Posted on 01-22-25 6:35
AM [Snapshot: 280]
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You guys are so brainwashed and stupid that it is pathetic. If you watched the video when this so called Nazi salute happened, he first puts his hand on his chest and then he extends it. While putting his hand on the chest he literally says “my heart goes out to you” and extends his hand out to the audience. Go watch the video and comment. But wait you people are simply too dumb to do any research, you only repeat and worship the mainstream media. So can’t expect anything from such mindless drones.
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Posted on 01-22-25 7:44
AM [Snapshot: 342]
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I think you are the one who needs to watch the video https://youtube.com/shorts/FV1TpOv8v-U?si=CF2LEb5XAo69rNbk He says that after doing the Salute twice. Ok let's say what you are saying is true. Put a video here of yourself without covering your face doing exactly what he does without a beat. Prove me wrong, put up a video without covering your face if you think what he did is correct. Also greet other magas like that in public
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Posted on 01-22-25 8:52
AM [Snapshot: 407]
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Ritu: Please stop commenting on MAGA mouthpiece. He is letting us know that it applies to himself" You guys are so brainwashed and stupid that it is pathetic". "Neurons, also called nerve cells, are the functional electrically excitable cells of the brain. They can only function in collaboration with other neurons and interneurons in a neural circuit.[1] There are an estimated 100 billion neurons in the human brain.[1] Neurons are polarized cells that are specialized for the conduction of action potentials also called nerve impulses" Either he has lost them, or nerve impulses flow one way only. And, "Neurons are the information processing units of the brain responsible for sending, receiving, and transmitting electrochemical signals throughout the body." It has been malfunctioning & will not get better until 2028. Sahja visitors have mercy on him.
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Posted on 01-22-25 9:18
AM [Snapshot: 455]
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Haha you guys are indeed pathetic. He literally says “my heart goes out to you” after feeling his chest and bringing his hand to the crowd. Surprisingly you never had any comments when your masters did that without saying their heart goes out to them.
Last edited: 22-Jan-25 09:18 AM
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Posted on 01-22-25 9:46
AM [Snapshot: 502]
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Let's say you are correct, can you please upload your video doing the same without missing a beat and without covering your face? Prove me wrong, stand by your words please.
Last edited: 22-Jan-25 09:50 AM
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Posted on 01-22-25 10:03
AM [Snapshot: 543]
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You are clueless. This is just a gesture people make sometimes. Like when you raise your hand to say a simple "Hi", some nutjob democrat will take a picture and say you are giving nazi salute.
LOL @ your simplicity to the point of being idiotic
Taco Burrito Salsa
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Posted on 01-22-25 10:11
AM [Snapshot: 552]
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Independent the pics you posted are AI generated not genuine. So sad right wingers like you fall for it all the time.
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Posted on 01-22-25 10:11
AM [Snapshot: 557]
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Let's say you are correct, can you please upload your video doing the same without missing a beat and without covering your face? Prove me wrong, stand by your words please Looks like cognitive dissonance But please i want to be proven wrong so please put up a video without insults and do what he did without missing a beat
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Posted on 01-22-25 10:17
AM [Snapshot: 570]
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Taco burrito. Anyone who raises their hand in class room will look like that if their picture is taken. This whole Nazi salute thing is media propaganda and clueless people like ritu will fall for it. And she's asking anonymous people to post their videos. Haha how clueless is she? I wonder.
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Posted on 01-22-25 10:17
AM [Snapshot: 547]
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मागा : तेही फोटो फेरी टास्न पुग्यौ | एउटा कुरा चै बुझी राख कुन प्रसंगमा त्यो फोटो खिचिएको थियो र हिटलरि पारामा स्यालुट दिने अभिप्र्याय ले गरेको हो कि होइन तिर बिचराको दिमागले सोच्न सकेन | ला खा ला खा दुईटा एकै पढ्यौ र बुझ्यौ होला | कसरि र कुन भाखामा प्रयोग गरियो भने अनर्थ ( तुच्छ बोली) जनाउछ | आमाले ला खा भनेको र कुकुरलाई हाड्डि फ्याल्दै गरे झैँ ला.....खा ( लोप्पा लगाए झैँ ) सुन्यौ भने पनि फरक नदेखौला | Neurons हरु compromise भएका छन् तेसैले एकोहोरिएको दिमागले सहि कुरा बुझ्न न सकेको हो | बिपासना मा गइ हाल , १० दिन इन्टरनेट को अभाबमा कहिँ तर्क संगत कुरा तिर ध्यान दिन सकौला कि ?
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Posted on 01-22-25 11:00
AM [Snapshot: 638]
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it's cognitive dissonance for magas they talk big promise everything but can't guarantee anything I bet maga don't watch tiktok with anonymous people but I think maga should put money where maga mouth is and post a video of doing whatever Musk is doing.
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Posted on 01-22-25 12:03
PM [Snapshot: 704]
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Haha cognitive dissonance is totally on the democrats. 99% of media brainwashing you so when you are made aware of reality, it is difficult for you to process Thats what cognitive dissonance is.
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Posted on 01-22-25 12:11
PM [Snapshot: 713]
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Please upload your video with what Musk did without covering your face and without missing a beat and shut me up forever on this topic
Last edited: 22-Jan-25 01:11 PM
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Posted on 01-23-25 2:58
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independent : you can not evaluate yourself because what ever you are doing do seems 100% okay to you. That is the nature of people lack wisdom , morale and with full of narcissism.