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 Trump Proposes Extending Citizenship Wait Times
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Posted on 01-01-25 3:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Following a New Year’s Eve incident, Trump has proposed extending citizenship wait times to 7 years for spouses of U.S. citizens and 10 years for other permanent residents. The change could be enacted through executive action, allowing DHS to lengthen the process at its discretion. For those set to become citizens in two years, this timeline could shift significantly after Jan. 20 if the action is signed, potentially extending the wait by another 7 years, with 3 years already counted. With the House and Senate under his control, this proposal could also become law within months.

BTW, Happy New Year

Source: The Hill

Posted on 01-01-25 4:30 PM     [Snapshot: 91]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump wants smart people and he is destroying US education. He wants smart immigrants he can pay low wages. He's a scab


I hope he also punishes retroactively who had abortions
Posted on 01-02-25 5:34 PM     [Snapshot: 532]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 01-02-25 5:38 PM     [Snapshot: 536]     Reply [Subscribe]
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And what's the point of doing that? This has nothing to do with the incident. The guy is clueless. MAGA=Make America Gwanch Again!!
Posted on 01-05-25 1:23 AM     [Snapshot: 2809]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can anyone cite the source please? I couldn't find anything on the internet about 7 and 10 years wait time proposal. Much appreciated
Posted on 01-05-25 2:23 AM     [Snapshot: 2884]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good news is coming . It could be coming monday / Tuesday or before 15th. Be joyous and cheerful
Posted on 01-20-25 9:04 PM     [Snapshot: 4838]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This decision is going to hurt so many people. I know some folks feel like certain immigrants don’t respect U.S. laws and act like they own the place, but this move is going to have a huge impact on a lot of lives. 
For those who’ve been pushing for stricter immigration enforcement, though, this might feel like the greatest gift—like it’s finally addressing what they see as a lack of respect for the rules. It’s a tough situation, and it’s going to affect people in very different ways depending on where they stand.

Posted on 01-20-25 9:33 PM     [Snapshot: 4886]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ta paaaaaat le bhanna khojeko kura chai k ho bhanna? WH ko chief of staff jasari jpt kura haru paskana aauchas ta ? Tero kaam yahi ho ki .. r u the the real owner of sajha ?? . Did u find out why was there no effing extension (TPS) for hondurus and nepal including nicaragua? Makhha pani paridiney ani katti nai dukhi bhaa jasto pani garidiney ..

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