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 If eating goat meat is not wrong, how does eating cow meat become wrong?
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Posted on 12-20-24 7:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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*"If eating goat meat is not wrong, how does eating cow meat become wrong?" questions modern secular writer Shobhaa De!*
Shobhaa De is a well-known writer, often celebrated for her opinions. Her argument here is:
*"Meat is meat, whether it’s from a cow, a goat, or any other animal. Then why do Hindus discriminate between animals? Why is killing a goat acceptable but killing a cow considered wrong? Isn’t this hypocrisy and ignorance?"*
Let’s address her logic with these responses:
*Response No.1:*
Shobhaa De ma’am, you make an interesting point!
But let’s consider this:
*Your father, husband, brother, and son—aren’t all of them men?*
*Yet, why do you behave differently with each of them?*
For reproduction, you need your husband alone, don’t you?
Can you behave with your father, brother, or son the same way you do with your husband?
*If intimacy is reserved only for your husband, wouldn’t it be hypocrisy or ignorance on your part not to extend it to others?*
Relationships such as a father, husband, brother, or son are defined by emotions, respect, and social beliefs, not merely biological identities.
Similarly, the way we regard animals like cows and goats is shaped by cultural, emotional, and spiritual significance, not just their physical existence.
*Response No.2:*
Here’s another question for you:
You and your family likely consume milk from cows or buffaloes in the form of coffee or tea, right?
But would you prepare coffee using milk from a dog, pig, or monkey?
If, according to your logic, milk is milk regardless of its source, why wouldn’t you do this?
Doesn’t this make your argument invalid and hypocritical?
The issue here isn’t about "meat" *It’s about beliefs and sentiments*.
Just as familial relationships are built on values and trust, the way we treat cows, goats, or other animals reflects our cultural beliefs and emotional attachments.
*Response No.3:*
A British man once asked Swami Vivekananda, *"Which animal produces the best milk?"*
Swamiji replied, *"Buffalo milk is the best."*
The man then asked, *"But don’t you Indians regard the cow as supreme? Isn’t it the best?"*
Swami Vivekananda smiled and said, *"You’re asking about milk quality, but we consider the cow as our mother, not merely as an animal."*
Likewise, while the cow may seem like just another animal to some, for Hindus, it holds sacred value as a *mother figure*.
*A Final Question for Shobhaa De:*
*"Save the tiger!" — the person advocating for it is seen as a social servant*.
*"Save the dogs!" —that person is hailed as an animal lover.
*But "Save the cow!"—suddenly, that person is labelled a religious fanatic. Why?*
The real tragedy is that such criticisms often come from our own people, who fail to respect the values and sentiments embedded in our culture.
*Food for thought!*

Posted on 12-20-24 8:38 AM     [Snapshot: 65]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I disagree with her opinion but I respect her rights to present her point of view. So where is her response to three of your responses.
Last edited: 20-Dec-24 08:38 AM

Posted on 12-20-24 10:03 AM     [Snapshot: 145]     Reply [Subscribe]
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First, it's important to recognize that if are spending time on the opinions of irrational people in society, it's your responsibility to set boundaries. These individual often know how to manipulate your thoughts and trap you in their worthless ideas. Don't let them take up space in your mind.

IF you are a student, focus on getting good grades, securing your green card, making money, achieving success, and supporting your parents.

IF you are a middle-age person who won a diversity visa, think carefully about how to build your life in the US. Don't waster your time working 24 hours in a gas station while letting your teenage daughter roam wild in high school, because life will catch up with you, and regrets, or "kale-jawai", will be waiting.

Posted on 12-20-24 10:29 AM     [Snapshot: 177]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is that what happened to you when you were teenager sexy in sari? Is that why you had to get an abortion? Or was it a night out with an escort?
Posted on 02-05-25 9:48 PM     [Snapshot: 2386]     Reply [Subscribe]
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goat meat beef meat ra gupta ji ra several other dhammardhus ko gas station sausage ko meat ma kun chahi timi lai man parxa? voodi ta tyai gupta ji ko meat chupa chups garera bokeko hunu parxa
ani timro भ्रुण हत्या garne kharcha chahi gupta ji le pay garnu vayo hola hoina?

aba yo new political environment ma timi jasta multiple भ्रुण हत्या garne lai ke sajaya hunu parne ho jasto lagxa timi lai?

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