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 trump propers free IVF and delivery
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Posted on 11-18-24 11:19 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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so, good news for {बाँझो पिपुल } the IVF cost will 100% covered by insurance . IVF is very expensive treatment plan and in non covered services so far .
Posted on 11-18-24 12:35 PM     [Snapshot: 77]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good for the good news about 100 % covered by insurance company, Thank to Trump things are getting into better shape before sworn. Gas price is going down rapidly as he won, seems we will get less than 1.99 per gallon, drill baby drill. To grow Christianity cost free IVF was necessary, as project 25 implementation starts you will start seeing America a family raising country ( can not say anything those are out of vagina). You may see some changes from companies being favourable during the pregnancy. Do we have any data about Nepalese suffering from infertile back home as well living abroad? Any one from Gandaki area has 9.1% and they may enjoy having babies with zero cost.

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