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 Bhutnani Wife
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Posted on 05-12-23 7:09 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Swasni Nakkali Bhutani Thiyo divorce vayo Tara haat ma us citizenship cha Bhutani gang ta aba FBI investigation hudaicha Saab duplicate haru samaucha vandai chan ta k ho kuro Duplicate Butani Gang (DBG ) haruko , Ghar store haru Sabai mero naam ma ahucha jasto cha ta EX Budi Deport huda kyauli
Posted on 05-12-23 7:19 PM     [Snapshot: 1]     Reply [Subscribe]
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यो उखान सुन्नु भएको छ "Don't count the chickens before hatch" श्रीमती संगै जानु पर्ने अबस्था आयो भने म पनि जाने भए भन्ने लेख्नु हुन्छ कि हुदैन ? क्षणीक कुरा र योजना मा रमाउनु भनेको मुतको न्यानो मा रमाउनु झैँ होइन र ?
Posted on 05-12-23 7:34 PM     [Snapshot: 14]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Pathaucha pathaucha 100 percent farkaucha , Sasto ma tarne vayo lanthai. Thapaune system pani cha Nepal govt le finger print vaihalcha feri USA ma . Chitto vaidiye hunthyo hahaha Guam ma khane ho aba ta tenson saaf , aba gori haru ghumaune din ahula jasto cha choro pani Thulo hudai cha

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