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 H1B fraud

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Posted on 05-05-23 4:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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My consultancy has filed my H1B through fraudulent system and they cannot be contacted . Not responding Nepali owned should I get a lawyer ?
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Posted on 05-07-23 10:38 AM     [Snapshot: 750]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi H1Bseeker,
My consultancy was not paying me while I was on bench, my situation at that time was, I was on H1B but I was not being paid which means I was "Out of Status". I did lots of research on internet, I fortunately found "murthy.com", from that site's discussion, I figured out that complaining against my H1B petitioner in DOL (Department of Labor) was only option left for me. I had two options at that time,
1. Either stay in the US illegally
2. Or Filing complaint against my employer.
I was really traumatized by the situation, I can totally understand and feel the situation currently you are in,
I opted for the second option, because I worked really hard to get degree here, and I had no intention of staying here illegally,

I'm not sure if you are aware of the fact that DOL will provide you with lawyer (free of charge), and they will do the investigation. In my case, they did investigation and I got "Determination Letter" from DOL in 2-3 months of time I filed complaint, where they asked my Employer to pay all the unpaid H1B workers the back wage, with that letter I filed for change of status, then went back to Student status.
Though I did not get my back wages (which was not my primary intention), my only intention was to be back to status. I hope my experience will help you in anyway to move forward. Check the "Department of Labor, wage and hour division" https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd and do some research of murthy.com or other sites.
You can ping me if you think I can be of any help

All the best
Posted on 05-07-23 11:00 AM     [Snapshot: 758]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ram Bhakta,
Rajan9's case is something we can follow I believe, but you have to have really great level of patience and grit to get it closed.
First, I thought, how much fruitful it is to sue the consultancy when your status is in a complete limbo. But reading what Rajan did, it looks like there is a "hope".

I am sure the class action suit will follow from people who were genuinely bugged by the fraud, but it will take time for sure. This is really messed up.

And besides, where are these people (consultancies) gonna run? They have all their details, business address, contact phone, registration numbers, business tax id everything with USCIS/ IRS. They may not pick up calls or disappear from social media, but do you think all these companies who did 400,000 multiple registrations for H1B visa lottery are going to disappear from the soil of USA like in a month?

Posted on 05-07-23 12:16 PM     [Snapshot: 818]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Avvo has adviced me to not approach these fraudster personally , I know my recruiter has a beauty salon in copell Tx , should I approach him personally ? I am planning to call the DOL Monday and USCIS about the situation , will they arrest me As I am illegal at this very moment with no current status . Can I make a complain before getting a lawyer or should I get a lawyer first ?
Posted on 05-07-23 12:42 PM     [Snapshot: 831]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In my case, I just filed complaint in DOL, I'm not sure if the rules have been changed, but when I filed the complaint against my employer, they did not come to arrest me, technically I was "out of status" at that time, as I was unpaid from Oct till April. I filed the complaint in April and had applied for change of status in USCIS in Feb (not exactly sure about it),
After the investigation, DOL sent me letter "Determination Letter" stating that the employer owes backwages to all h1b unpaid employees till the date they terminated the H1b.
I went to college, tell them my situation, and enrolled in the course, even though my change of status was pending,
On Nov, I got my change of status approved from USCIS.

So my advice to you is, act before your Employer terminates your H1B, file for Change of status explaining your situation.
It will be better to get advice from lawyer.
Posted on 05-07-23 12:57 PM     [Snapshot: 846]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rajan, wats ur status now? R u green card?
Posted on 05-07-23 1:48 PM     [Snapshot: 879]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is there a Facebook group with H1B fraud victims ?
Posted on 05-07-23 2:28 PM     [Snapshot: 906]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Are you playing a victim game here?

You are the one who authorized that Fake Consultancy to USE you to benefits them and benefits you as well.

You are a College Graduate. You can read and write very well.

That shows you two are equally liable for intentional fraud.

Chor machaya Shor!!!

Posted on 05-07-23 9:07 PM     [Snapshot: 1046]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yesari nai student lai thagera recruiting ko kaam chala ani Yesto ta vai raKhcha ni vanera vann fase Pachi student lai . Court ma Yesto case tannai Cha bro vanera student lai ghar ko na ghat ko banaune ta jastai recruiter haru ho . Sexy in sari
Posted on 05-08-23 5:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1280]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@sexy in sari Lots of people don't know legal rammification, they get scammed all the time

HCL accused of wage theft, underpaying H-1B workers by at least $95m a year

US think tank reckons services giant abuses spirit of skilled migrant system

Last edited: 08-May-23 05:33 PM

Posted on 05-08-23 7:08 PM     [Snapshot: 1316]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No hope , From DOL need to get an lawyer , Called a immigration lawyer intake department she said it could cost me around 70k - 200k , I have been in USA 7 yrs Assylum Halera basda kasto huncha .
Posted on 05-08-23 9:19 PM     [Snapshot: 1373]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Let us know how can you get asylum, I also want to know
Posted on 05-09-23 1:05 PM     [Snapshot: 1598]     Reply [Subscribe]
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70K to 200K for an immigration lawyer??
Are you buying a house or something?

Been watching throughout how H1B seeker does not sound so genuine with his problem. People have been giving him suggestions, ideas but he is only harping his own tune, choosing to not reply directly to the ideas offered.
Now I feel like it may be just a trap he set to make a fool out of everybody.

Posted on 05-09-23 1:37 PM     [Snapshot: 1622]     Reply [Subscribe]
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problem is genuine but changes are, this guy is fake . but who cares , in sajha we talk about problems not people .
Posted on 05-09-23 3:40 PM     [Snapshot: 1674]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Really , this is you talking ?
We are still wondering and trying to figure it out what is your problem when you posted the वादर YouTube.
When thing do not go right direction it is not a topic of problem but the individual person.
I felt you are trying to hook up sajha visitors according to you interest ?
Posted on 05-09-23 8:27 PM     [Snapshot: 1749]     Reply [Subscribe]
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लोगने, तँ मुजी तर्कमा जित्न सकिनस भने "होमलेस " जस्तो ब्येहोरा देखाउन थाल्छ्स ,जात-पातमा उत्रेर " दमाई- कामी " भन्न थाल्छस .

हैन माटोक्ने आजकलको जमनाम पनि कसले " दमाइ , कामी, ज्यापू , सार्की " भनेर गाली गर्छ हो ? तलाई त के भनौ हो ? भन्ने सब्द छैन म संग . तेही भएर तेरो कमेन्ट डिलिट गरेको ब्रादर नत्र तलाई मैले सधै माया र सदासयत देखाकै हो .

डिप्रेसनाँ होलास स्वस्थ लाभको कामना,तर मुजी जुनै प्रसङ्ग भए पनि एस्तो जा तियेतामा आएर गाली गंर्नु हुन्न .डिप्रेसनको समयमै उपचार नभएर कत्रो कत्रो दुखद घटना भएको समाचाराँ पढेकै होलस.

कामी ,दमाई बाहुन , मुस्लिम एस्ता घटिया सोच, बिषए बाट माथि उक्लि , प्रसङ्ग जस्तो सुकै होस .
Posted on 05-10-23 10:25 AM     [Snapshot: 1950]     Reply [Subscribe]
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तेरो बोलीचाली लाई बुडा पाकाले कामि दमै को जस्तो छ भन्छन ! बुढी चिकेको र बादरले चिकेको कुरा साझामा लेखने र टास्ने तैले चै उपचार गर्न गइ हाल्नु पर्ने देख्छु ! उखान एक उक्ति हो , जुन सटिक हुन्छ र लामो लेखाइ लाई छोट्याउछ !

Posted on 05-10-23 1:46 PM     [Snapshot: 2012]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is this h-1 fraud also associated with people who used fake resumes? Because a lot of people use 4 or 5 or even more years of fake experiences, will it affect h1-b as well? Please share if you have any idea.
Posted on 05-13-23 4:44 PM     [Snapshot: 2711]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Aba Nepal jane nita Kati basnu America ma Bhutani kt khojne ni kyauli
Posted on 05-14-23 12:22 AM     [Snapshot: 2848]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yetro ek barsa chai kanayera basira ko thiyo bro direct sue hanne paisa kamaune business insurance suneko chaina jasto cha bro le
Posted on 05-17-23 8:14 PM     [Snapshot: 3384]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Seems there is going to be seminar but I don't now if it is legit or not. I am not connected to this in anyway, found it upon Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/F1.Visa.OPT.STEM.Extension/permalink/3527944210818013/?app=fbl

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