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Posted on 06-30-05 6:10
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Sahana is another example of stupid and ugly leader. Now she has made in another prestige list. I hope whoever selected her is not insane. Leaders like her ruined the whole country and gave a status of failed symbol.
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Posted on 06-30-05 9:09
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I think, instead of Sahana, there should be Komal Shah or Himani Shah!
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Posted on 06-30-05 9:30
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I guess that the nomination of Sahana Pradha was a good news in one sense that she was a motivated and a dedicated woman who spend her whole life for the sake of people. Her only mistake was to break the UML just because her Vinaju Man Mohan was President of rival group. I am confident that she is monetarily one of the few honest Nepalis who have risen to that rank. eNeKa
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Posted on 07-01-05 4:44
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thefactnepal You are correct.she is reallty stupid uncharming leader
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Posted on 07-01-05 4:58
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Sahana Pradhan, now an old lady, who might have done mistakes in the past, but if you look at her overall life, she has contributed tremendously for the women's rights of Nepal. Some people tend to just be Dr. Giri's hanuman and tend to think otherwise. Here is a unbelievable piece about Dr. Giri: ----- 8f= lu/L k|s/0fn] pAhfPsf ;jfn n]vgfy sf]O/fnf clxn] d'n'ssf] /fhgLlts j[Qdf 8f= t'n;L lu/L rrf{sf] lzv/df x'g'x'G5 . s]xL ;+rf/ dfWodn] pxf?sf] lk5f u/]sf] u/} 5g\ . pxf?dfly cf/f]k 5? a}+ssf] C0f ltg'{ ePg . w]/} eQf lng' eof] . dGqL Sjf6/df a:g' ePg . axfnjfnf 3/df a:g' eof] pxf?sf] ;f}lvg :jefj 5 . /l;s klg x'g'x'G5 . pxf? lsg ljb]z hfg' eof] < lsg km]l/ kms]{/ cfpg' eof] . px?fsf] xf]6nsf] lan lsg Tolt w]/} < cflb OToflb . vf]h kqsfl/tf, cg';GwfgfTds n]v, /rgf, r'6lsnf 6Lsf l6Kk0fL k9\bf ;'Gbf kf7snfO{ /dfOn} nfUb5 . olb tL ;Tosf] s;Ldf v/f] pqg] eP ;fy{s klg x'G5g\ . gq gbLsf] nx/df p7\g] kfgLsf] kmf]sf h:t} Ifl0fs x'G5g . lg/y{s x'G5 . s;}sf] rl/q xTof ug]{ ablgotn] nufOg] cf/f]k kLtkqsfl/tf xf] . 8f= t'n;L lu/Lk|lt clxn] h]?h:tf 6Lsf?l6Kk0fL eO/x]sf 5g\ . To;n] pxf?dfly kLtkqsfl/tfsf] k|of]u, k/LIf0f eO/x]sf] k|tLt x'G5 8f= t'n;L lu/L kf?r bzsb]lv g]kfnsf] /fhgLlts j[Qdf ;'kl/lrt gfp? xf] . pxf? lrlsT;s lj1fgsf] ljBfyL{ eP/ klg /fhgLlts lj1fgdf v/f] pqg' eof] . o;af6 px?f g};lu{s k|ltefsf wgL x'g'x'G5 eGg] k|dfl0ft x'G5 . @)!& ;fn k'; ! ut] k"j{ g]kfnL sf+u|];sf hNbf]aNbf] o'jf g]tf x'g'x'GYof] 8f= t'n;L lu/L . pxf?nfO{ l;lgo/ g]tfx?n] ;d]t cfb/ / ;Ddfg ub{y] . pxf? 5f]6f] ;dod} g]kfnL sf+u|];df rlr{t g]tf aGg ;kmn x'g' ePsf] lyof] . 8f= t'n;L lu/Lsf] bf];|f] /fhgLlts ofqf z'? x'G5 k+rfotL /fhgLltaf6 . px?fn] g]kfnL sf+u|];df /x?bf h] h:tf /fhgLlts sf}zn k|bz{g ug'{ ePsf] lyof] Tof] eGbf a9L g} /fhgLlts sf}zn, of]Uotf, Ifdtf k+rfotL /fhgLltdf klg b]vfpg' eof] pxf? ;Qf x'?bf dfq xf]Og ;Qf aflx/ /x?bf klg /fhgLlts rrf{sf] lzv/df /xg' eof] . oxf?n] @)!& ;fndf g]kfnL sf+u|]; 5f]8]/ k+rfotdf k|j]z ug'{ 7Ls, a]7Ls s] lyof] < Tof] cnu rrf{sf] ljifo x'g;Qm5 . t/, px?fn] g]kfnL sf+u|];df 5?bf xf];\ jf k+rfotdf /x?bf xf];\, OdfGbf/Lk"j{s, /fhgLlts lgi7f k|s6 ug'{ eof] . nKkg 5Kkg slxNo} ug'{ ePg . ?}w rl/q slxNo} b]vfpg' ePg . of] pxf?sf] /fhgLlts ljz]iftf xf] . /fhf dx]Gb|;?u oyf;Dej rf?8f] bndflysf] k|ltjGw km's'jf x'g'kb{5 eg]/ 8f= lu/Ln] af/Daf/ cfu|x ug'{ ePsf] tTsfnLg /fhgLlts hflgkmsf/ atfp?5g\ . /, @)!& ;fnsf] Tolt 7"nf] /fhgLlts kl/jt{gkl5 b]zdf s'g} lsl;dsf] v'g v/faL x'g glbg klg 8f= lu/Lsf] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] lyof] eGg] klg tTsfnLg kl/l:yltsf lj1x?sf] bfjL 5 . @)$^ ;fnkl5 b]zdf e|i6frf/, t:s/L / sldzgsf h]h:tf lgn{Hh ultljlw b]vfk/] To:tf] v'nf e|i6frf/ geP klg k+rfotsfndf e|i6frf/ 5?b} lyPg eGg] xf]Og . t/ 8f= t'n;L lu/L eg] :jR5 rl/qsf /fhg]tfdf ulgg'x'GYof] . k+rfotsfndf klg k6s k6s ;Qfsf] lzv/df k'Ug] cj;/ kfpg' ePsf] 8f= lu/Ln] olb clnslt klg e|i6frf/ u/]sf] eP pxf? ;Qfaf6 aflxl/P/ kl5 a}+saf6 C0f lnP/ 3/ Jojxf/ rnfpg' kg]{ lyPg . oBkL px?fn] :jo+ C0f lnP/ pBf]u Joj;fo rnfPsf] xf]Og, s]xL 5?'x?n] pxf?nfO{ l:nlk? kf6{gl;{kdf al;lbg cg'/f]w u/]/ km?;fPsf] /x:o v'ln;s]sf] 5 . o; jf:tljstfaf6 px?fsf] kL5f ug]{ ;+rf/ dfWodx? klg cgle1 5}gg\ . t}klg lsg z[?\vnfa4?kdf olt 7"nf] x+ufdf drrfO?b}5 < olb px?fn] a}+saf6 cfkm}+n] C0f lnPsf] eP klg Tof] ck/fw xf]Og . a}+sn] C0fsf] ljj/0f k7fPdf d ltg{ tof/ 5' eg]/ px?fn] :ki6 kfl/;Sg' ePsf] klg 5 . s] 8f= lu/Ln] C0f lng' ck/fw xf] < ls xf]6ndf a:g' ck/fw xf] < cyjf dGqL Sjf6/df ga:g' ck/fw xf] < jf:tljstf t s] xf] eg] 8f= lu/Lsf] k5fl8 k|fof]lht u|fO08 l8hfOgn] sfd ul//x]sf] ;xh} cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . !( df3sf] zfxL sbdkl5 8f= lu/L /fhfaf6 k|yd pkfWoIfdf dgf]lgt x'g'eof] . zfxL sbd c;kmn kfg{ lbnf] Hofgn] nfu]sf b]zL, ljb]zLx?nfO{ 8f= lu/L h:tf] s'zn /fhgLlt1, ;Ifd g]tf /fhfsf] ;xof]uL aGg k'Ug' ;xh x'g] s'/} lyPg . pkfWoIfdf dgf]lgt ePsf] s]xL ;dokl5 g} 8f= lu/Ln] g]kfndf eO/x]sf] afx\o zlQmx?sf] x:tIf]ksf] wHhL p8fP/ lj/f]w ug'{ eof] . /, zfxL sbdsf] cfjZostf / cf}lrTosf] klg :ki6 zAbdf pxf?n] JofVof, ljj]rgf ug'{eof] . o;n] g]kfndf czflGt, cl:y/tf / c/fhstf a9fP/ d'n'snfO{ c;kmn /fi6? 3f]lift u/fO{ afx\o x:tIf]ksf] af6f] vf]Ng] k|of;df nfu]s cfGtl/s / afx\o JolQm Pj+ zlQmnfO{ c;x\o rf]6 k'Ug' :jefljs lyof] . ---- Rest at- http://www.nepalnews.com.np/contents/nepaliweekly/janadharana/2005/jun/jun30/view.php#4
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Posted on 07-01-05 11:42
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Sahana, Bamdev, Keshav Stapit and some others Blue film watching story was on papers some years back. From there her association and contribution could be easily imgined. I haven't heard any outstanding contribution fro women but no doubt she contributed to satisfy many party members till her late age.
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Posted on 07-01-05 12:38
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Instead of Shana Pradhan, there should be some Rana or Shah lady related to Royal Plance or M.F. Rana family. Then, M.F. stupid Nepalese will be happy on that nomination.