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Posted on 07-27-08 5:18
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माओवादी नेतृत्वभन्दा फरक सोच राख्ने नेताहरुमध्ये नेत्रबिक्रम चन्द प्रखर छन् र माओवादीभित्रको फरक धारका नेताहरु मोहन बैद्य किरण र रामबहादुर थापा बादलसहितको समूहका उनी प्रवक्तासमेत मानिन्छन् । प्रस्तुत छ, सरकार गठनबारे माओवादी सचिवालय सदस्यसँग टेलिफोनबाट लिइएको अन्तर्वार्ताको सार ः
माओवादी अब सरकारमा जान्छ ? यही स्थितिमा त जादैन ।
राष्ट्रिय सरकारमा पनि जादैन ? राष्ट्रिय सरकार होइन, अब बामपन्थीहरुको सरकार बन्नुपर्छ ।
बाम सरकार बन्ला र ? एमाले त माओवादीसँग निकै बिच्किएको देखिन्छ ? बन्नुपर्छ । बिच्किएकै कुरा गर्ने हो भने त हामी पनि एमालेसँग निकै बिच्किएका छौं नि । तर, त्यसो भनेर हुदैन ।
एमाले र माओवादीबीच अन्तिम समयमा के कारण समझदारी भाडिएको हो ? सबै पार्टीमा बिदेशी दलालहरु छन् । खासगरी, भारतीय दलाल । तिनीहरुले नै दुई पार्टीबीचको सम्बन्ध बिगारेका हुन् ।
माओवादीमा छन् र भारतीय ? स्वभाविकरुपमा हुने नै भए । सबै पार्टीमा सबै प्रकारका तत्व हुनु अनौठो होइन ।
भारतीय दलाल हुँदाहुँदै फेरी बाम समझदारी होला र ? समझदारी किन बिग्रियो भन्ने समिक्षा गर्नुपर्छ । समिक्षा गरेपछि फेरी समझदारी नबन्ने कुरै हुदैन । दुवै पार्टीका युवा र इमान्दार नेताहरुले यसबारे कुरा गर्न थालिसकेका छन् ।
अब बामहरुकै सरकार बन्ला त ? यो मुलुक हाक्ने बामहरुले नै हो । सरकारको कुरा मात्र होइन, बामहरुले मुलुकबारे समग्ररुपमा सोच्नुपर्छ । खण्ड खण्डमा सोच्ने काम छाड्नुपर्छ ।
Source: http://himalkhabar.com/news.php?id=1218
Last edited: 27-Jul-08 05:19 PM
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Posted on 07-27-08 6:37
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if u guys loves our country, u should form the government now. other three parties united coz u guys overestimate urself. because of ur inconsistent views, we have now an indian agent as an VP.
don't u think u guys should think something now??????????
before blaming others, reveiw where did u guys actually made mistakes.
good luck
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Posted on 07-27-08 7:24
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ek@l, you are right..Maoist deserves to lead new govt..Unfortunately Congress and UML could not understand Maoist...They thought Maoist as just yet another politicians ..Until and Unless UML and Congress tries to maintain status quo and does not realize the peoples movement for change...Maoist alone can not do anything..
UML and Congress if do not believe in power of ppl, they will never get next chance..they have got enough chances and they just wasted all opportunity to prove themselves..
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Posted on 07-27-08 9:58
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its not congress and UML, maoist does not undetstand themselves. they should have make some negotiation at least with UML and form the government. but their so called victory attitude mess up everything. to be honest, i don't really like maoist the way they speak and theirYCL thing, but one thing they have is to mobilize the people. and at this point, i believe, they should work with other party to draft the constitution. as soon as we have new constitution and new election, they should focus on it. if they get 2/3 majority at that time, they can implement what they want in the country but unfortunately, they are also doing the same freaking politics for power after sacrificing 13000 lives.
its so frustrating.