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 Helping Ritu sis
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Posted on 01-07-25 4:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ritu sis,

I started folllowing this guy https://www.youtube.com/@justinepolitcs/shorts and am pasting his link here so that you don't have to do the hard work of going to his page and copy pasting his links here all the time.

I am not sure why you follow someone with 26 followers instead of following someone with 100s of million followers like elon musk or donald trump :)

Posted on 01-07-25 4:48 PM     [Snapshot: 83]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you so much for your help,  really appreciate it.

They are telling the truth. 

The understanding is same as maga electing a SA president who is selling fragrance, caps, watches, crypto to his maga base, won presidency to lower grocery prices, stopping Ukraine war in 24 hours etc but now can't guarantee anything after winning and not associated with project 2025 when his panel is full of project 2025

Last edited: 07-Jan-25 04:50 PM

Posted on 01-08-25 10:32 AM     [Snapshot: 412]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ritu sis don't you believe in democracy?

Why are you crying every day because your senile candidate did not win?

If you are so bent on fear mongering on what Trump would do in office, then would you be so kind enough to list the things that Biden actually did during his term that was bad?

Also for people to take you seriously, why don't you list the things that Trump did during his term that was bad.

All your posts thesedays are about things that you think Trump will do.

I don't understand that kind of mentality at all. The same thing happened during his last term. Everyone was saying trump will cause the end of the world but in fact Trump did really well. Compared to Biden he did amazingly well.

You are going down that black hole in your mind that you are creating for yourself.

Enjoy the ride sis.
Posted on 01-08-25 12:17 PM     [Snapshot: 513]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Refresh you memory here:

Trump wars

America is for Americans only

Trump records

Trump socialism


Please let me know how many you support and oppose?

Posted on 01-08-25 4:20 PM     [Snapshot: 704]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ritu sis you never answer burning contextual questions such as
"Do you support a democratically elected president?"

You keep going to your own youtuber with 24 followers and paste his videos as a response to perfectly sensible questions.
Posted on 01-08-25 5:08 PM     [Snapshot: 788]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yes I do support democracy and I already told you that but do you support a sa who is going to level Palestine?
Posted on 01-09-25 8:54 AM     [Snapshot: 1143]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In US politics both the parties support Israel. There is nothing we can do about that.

Biden has already leveled Palestine. Trump has actually said he will stop the war. In fact he is the only president who has said he will stop these wars.
Posted on 01-09-25 9:06 AM     [Snapshot: 1155]     Reply [Subscribe]
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He has also said he will authorize shooting immigrants in panhandle

He has also said he will use military in US soil

Here he is not sure he won't use military for green land
Posted on 01-09-25 11:26 AM     [Snapshot: 1298]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ritu sis you are so gullible and full of confusion. Your vision is so restricted and fully brainwashed. You willfully want to take things out of context to find fault with Trump.

Your issue is that you only listen to one side that is spending trillions of dollars to brainwash people like you. I listen to both sides and it becomes crystal clear who is on the right side of America.

Unless you are like a sleeper cell, who is taking advantage of all America has to offer yet bad mouth America and Americans at every chance you get. That's what it's beginning to look like. America and Americans have chosen Trump. So you should stop being anti American before they come and put you in prison for treason.
Posted on 01-09-25 12:04 PM     [Snapshot: 1376]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@sajha admin is it OK to threaten someone with prison for treason?

Last edited: 09-Jan-25 12:12 PM


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