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 If you got nothing to lose, fight tooth and nail explore every avenue
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Posted on 11-17-24 1:04 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Explore every legal avenue that you have and if you are in verge of collapse remember,
Miller has re-instituted department of denaturalization which is will do everything and anything to get them deported.

Report MAGA for tax-fraud if you know, report MAGA for working illegally if you know, report MAGA for employing people illegally, report MAGA's parents who came here with fraudulent asylum or illegally and are now US citizens.

Fight MAGA on their own turf with their MAGA tools.

Posted on 11-18-24 12:37 PM     [Snapshot: 192]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Seems you,re very scared of getting deported if not why spreading fear?
Posted on 11-18-24 2:16 PM     [Snapshot: 276]     Reply [Subscribe]
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तिमि जस्ता फेक ऐसैलम बाट नागरिकता लिएर अम्रिका खोक्रो पार्ने धमिराका पनि दिन गए अब , पोको पुन्तुरो कस्दै गर, पापी .
Posted on 11-18-24 9:08 PM     [Snapshot: 482]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 11-19-24 7:58 AM     [Snapshot: 726]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 11-20-24 12:32 PM     [Snapshot: 1070]     Reply [Subscribe]
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साझा मा सास्त्री मात्र होइन आचार्य हरुको ठुलै झमघट हुन्छ | कोहि ट्रंप लाई माथ गर्ने विद्वता छाट्न पछि पर्दैनन् , पढाइ र सिकाइ ठ्याक्कै मिलाउन जान्ने मात्र नभई त्रीका- दर्शीहरु पनि हुन पुगेका हरु का धागा र कमेन्टले साझामा घर बेचेर पोको पन्तुरो कस्न सुरु गर भन्ने सल्लाह हो वा श्राप हो छुट्याउन गाह्रो हुदैछ | सबैले आफ्नो आफ्नो भाग्य अनुसार चल्ने हुन् , डोनेसन को कुरा सुन्दा काउसो लाग्ने पनि साझामा देखिएकाले अरुका घरमा चुल्हो बल्यो कि बलेन सोध्ने भगवान मात्रै होलान | एक थरि त्रास को सिर्जना गरि आनन्द लिदैछन् भने अर्का थरि घाउमा नुन चुक थिए झैँ आलाप बिलाप गरि बस्छ्योउ | ट्रंप मार्काका कुरा नसुन, जाने परे पनि कसैलाई सोधेर आएका थिएनौ| कसैले भन्नु पर्ने र पर्नेले पनि सुनाउनु जरुरी छैन | बिचरा भन्ने हरुको तातीका कुरा सुनेर आफुलाई बिचरा मात्रै बनाएर बस्न छोड्नु ठिक होला |
Posted on 11-20-24 12:46 PM     [Snapshot: 1105]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sustay le sahi kura lekhera lyaayo ahiley chai .
Posted on 11-21-24 5:32 PM     [Snapshot: 1550]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hope they get all of it what they voted for, I really pray for it. Now the situation is a clerical error can upend someone's life. https://youtube.com/shorts/9W_LW_T7tG8?si=eS1e3NLpj04_hzCQ
Last edited: 21-Nov-24 05:33 PM

Posted on 12-03-24 10:13 AM     [Snapshot: 2715]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Military is coming

Report maga Nefoli for anything you can, like abortion, parents came here illegally or fake asylum, tax fraud, maybe they have made clerical error in their form.

Let's fight maga on maga turf
Posted on 12-04-24 12:59 AM     [Snapshot: 2897]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ufff @ritu123 stop this nonsense!

“ Report maga Nefoli for anything you can, like abortion, parents came here illegally or fake asylum, tax fraud, maybe they have made clerical error in their form.

Let's fight maga on maga turf”
Posted on 12-04-24 7:15 AM     [Snapshot: 3023]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ritu aka TPS has gone psycho trying to report our own Nepalese brothers and sisters who are trying to make a life for themselves and their families. According to Ritu’s logic you should report every Nepali who has done anything illegal. All of this because of paranoia. Please see a psychologist before the paranoia reaches excessive levels
Posted on 12-04-24 7:19 AM     [Snapshot: 3026]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@sajha admin is bullying against your policy? Can't a lady go anywhere without being bullied and harassed?
Posted on 12-07-24 2:04 AM     [Snapshot: 3494]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Trump Plans OPT Duration Cut

Looks like my vote is doing its work!"

If know these maga nefolis personally report them to department of denaturalization, after Jan 20, for something they might have done illegally, they might have some clerical errors in their immigration form, they might have lied about something, make their vote work.

Miller is a hard liner.

Even if Immigrants have less power they also have some powers, use it.

Posted on 12-08-24 10:03 AM     [Snapshot: 3739]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ritu Jee. In my humble opinion it will be good for you to see a therapist. You are getting consumed by the change in government. It’s not healthy getting so worried about things you cannot control. After all you only have one life to live. Even if you have to leave US (I hope it never happens) you can go to Australia , New Zealand, Canada and many more. Please don’t take it as if your life is over just because a more radical president is elected.
Posted on 12-08-24 11:02 AM     [Snapshot: 3800]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you, I am fed up with this MAGA nefoli who thinks they are all high and mighty because they are on the other side of immigration. If Trump follows thru everything he said lots of people will experience poverty like never before. So Trump is going to give tax cut to the rich and put tariffs on everything which means taxing everyone. This will be the greatest wealth transfer in history.

And part of me thinks Trump does so that America can learn but I am not sure MAGA will ever learn.

And I want these MAGA nefoli get the same treatment under Trump and Miller that all other immigrants going to get.

But it's just a thought you all have a good day.
Posted on 01-19-25 3:47 AM     [Snapshot: 6157]     Reply [Subscribe]
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