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 Skip the $600 Goat - Enjoy Tika without the Tears!!
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Posted on 10-20-24 10:32 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why would someone spend $600 on a goat and then cry out loud while guests are eating it?

When you visit someone’s house during Tika, they usually have snacks, dinner, and all kinds of traditional dishes, and goat meat is often at the top of the list. But the price of goat has skyrocketed, reaching Mount Everest heights, yet Nepali people still feel like they must have it for Dashain. Instead of buying it for $4.86 per pound at Costco, they’ll drive an hour and spend $600 on a whole goat—everything included, even the testicles.

But my issue is, why announce in front of guests that the goat is expensive? Are they showing off that they can afford it, or is it a point of pride that they’re able to do it?

For Tika day at my house, I serve simple snacks like homemade fried chicken wings, beans, tama- bori, aloo- dam, saag sabjee, etc., No goat meat, no goat testicles, no intestines, liver, kidneys, eyes, tongue, or ears.

My guests can eat in peace, and as the host, I don’t have to complain about spending $600 on a goat.

Posted on 10-21-24 2:57 PM     [Snapshot: 277]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Oe sexy talai kasle geda khwayera 600 magyo feri?!!
Posted on 10-21-24 4:44 PM     [Snapshot: 359]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Do you want Costo's 4.86/lb smelly bheda or $5/lbs local Khasi from local farms? Choice is yours. Well Raajkhani khako lai matra thaha hunchha how delicious are those goat balls Anyway women are barred from eating goat testicles in Nepal because men didnt want to share tasty Raajkhani with their wives or sisters. You women had been missing since then. Yoo could have revolted but you know,..patriarch society p.s. Bhootan khana lai nai khasi kinne ho. Bhootan or Kawab (Pakku for Chitwane or others) bina ko dashain , yetra ko dashain, Chara khana lai ta Thanksgiving chhadai chha ni.
Posted on 10-23-24 12:27 PM     [Snapshot: 884]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Surex, Only people knows about the taste of rajkhaani those who bought the whole goat. I see the point of SIS, who cares how much HOST had paid for the goat. If they enjoy the meat may ask about the recipe / ingredients. टुप्पीएका र बिबेकहिन हरु का कुराकानी हरु उनीहरुकै वरि परि मात्र घुमीरहन्छन |
Posted on 01-17-25 9:30 AM     [Snapshot: 8222]     Reply [Subscribe]
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