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 Trump has promised an immigration crackdown if reelected
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Posted on 05-15-24 9:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I hope if Trump wins all the fake asylum seeker and who got green card and became US citizens by getting fake asylum are deported and banned from USA for life.
Posted on 05-15-24 11:26 AM     [Snapshot: 75]     Reply [Subscribe]
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नेपाल छोडेर आए पनि दिमाग भने तेही अबस्था भन्दा माथि उठन सकेको छैन .हरेक मानिसमा आ -आफ्नै खालको शोच हुन्छ, इगो मिश्रित शोच हुने मानिस ( मानिसका ५ लक्षण ) धागोमा उद्ग्रित ५ मध्दे ३ ओटा मिल्छ भने पनि संगतमा बस्नु हानिकारक हुन्छ .अर्काको दुखमा रमाउनु भन्दा आफ्नो सफलतामा खुसि हुन सिकेको भए तिमीले तेती दुख पौने थियिनौ कि ?

खोलि तरे पछि लौरी बिर्सिने चलन नेपालीकोको नौलो होइन ,आफु जेन तेन गरेर पर्खाल चदेरे , यता उति गरेर आयो अनि आफ्नो पेपर बने पछि अरुको पनि बन्ला , अरुले पनि कमौला , अरुको पनि घर ठदेला भनेर दाहले भुतत्भुतेयेरा लेखेको अनुभूति हुन्छ ?
Posted on 05-15-24 11:57 AM     [Snapshot: 113]     Reply [Subscribe]
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not envy, I hope karma catches with them who deserve it.

Donald Trump supporter thought he would only deport 'bad hombres' but now her Mexican husband has been asked to leave US.

A woman who voted for Donald Trump because of his immigration policies is now facing the prospect of having her husband deported to Mexico.

Helen Beristain said she cast her ballot for the president believing that only "killers" and cartel members would be deported.

"We don’t want to have cartels here, you don’t want to have drugs in your high schools, you don’t want killers next to you,” she told Indiana Public Media. “You want to feel safe when you leave your house. I truly believe that. And, this is why I voted for Mr. Trump."

But her 43-year-old husband Roberto is now facing deportation after US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials ruled he should be forcibly removed from the US.

Asylum Fraud: A Dangerous Game of Pretend
Another type of immigration fraud is asylum fraud, which involves providing false information or documentation to support an asylum claim. This might seem like a harmless fib to some, but it’s a dangerous game that can undermine the integrity of the asylum system and harm those genuinely in need of protection.

The penalties for asylum fraud can be severe. A person found to have knowingly made a frivolous asylum application in the U.S. can be permanently barred from any immigration benefits. That’s right, forever.

Last edited: 15-May-24 11:57 AM

Posted on 05-15-24 3:17 PM     [Snapshot: 233]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Testo kehi pani hudaina tps8249. Turummpp bhaneko bhookney kukur matra ho .. logan suste jastai.
Posted on 05-16-24 7:15 AM     [Snapshot: 366]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump2024 jindabad
Deport the illegals and fake asylees.

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