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 ह्युस्टनमा फेरी नेपाली महिलाको हत्या !

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Posted on 08-28-24 10:08 AM     [Snapshot: 460]     Reply [Subscribe]
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अझै भोट गर ट्रंप लाइ ? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/special-counsel-re-indicts-trump-supreme-court-immunity-decision/
Posted on 08-28-24 1:44 PM     [Snapshot: 640]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shot by white bf?

Last edited: 28-Aug-24 01:43 PM

Posted on 08-28-24 3:59 PM     [Snapshot: 760]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sugar daddy jasto cha naani ko . Taalu chinday
Posted on 08-28-24 4:30 PM     [Snapshot: 813]     Reply [Subscribe]
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From the look of him, seems more like a sugardaddy without sugar. 

Last edited: 28-Aug-24 04:30 PM

Posted on 08-28-24 6:27 PM     [Snapshot: 936]     Reply [Subscribe]
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कुरो साँचो हो भने gofund मा सहयोग चै गरिन्न
Posted on 08-28-24 8:06 PM     [Snapshot: 1039]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Looks like daddy case gone wrong. 21 year old community college student with white BF living alone in apartment . Things doesn’t add up. That dude looks like some desi employer.

Young girls talking too much risks to present nice life in social media.
Posted on 08-28-24 9:36 PM     [Snapshot: 1125]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Testo budho boyfriend bhanda ni green cars banauna paisa tireko chai huna sakcha. K kura milena ani goli handyo. Jpt
Posted on 08-28-24 9:41 PM     [Snapshot: 1025]     Reply [Subscribe]
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एक दिन अमर पिचाचे कुवामा परेछ | भए भरका गाउले हरु भेला भएर तेरो हात दे हामि कुवा बाट बाहिर निकाल्छौ भन्दा सहयोग गर्ने को अनुहार हेरी रह्यो तर हात भने दिएन | गोधुली भै सक्यो . जातालाई भन्दा हातलाई खस खस भने झैँ दर्शक हरु चिन्तित देखिन्थे तर पिचाचेको अनुहारमा कुनै त्रास वा दुखद चिन्ह देखिएको थिएन | एक जना बयोबृद्द पनि कस्तो चटके खेल रहेछ भनि अलिक भित्र घुस्रिएर पछि पिचाचेलाई कुवामा देखे | गाउले हरुले यो बिहान देखि कुवामा परेको छ सबैले हात दे हामि निकाल्छौ भन्दा पनि टसमस गर्दैन भनेर सुनाए | ति बयोबृद्द ले भने मेरो हात समात भनेर हात पसारि देउ, सबै कुरा ठिक भै हाल्छ | यसमा आत्तिनु पर्ने कुनै कुरै छैन | ति बयोबृद्द ले भने झैँ गरे पछि पिचाचेले हात समातेर बाहिर निक्ले पछि केहि नभनी बाटो ततायो | साह्रा मानिस हरु आस्चर्यमा पर्दै भने हामीले दिन भरि कोसिश गर्यौ सफल हुन सकेका थिएनौ तर तपाइले एक पलमै समस्या समाधान गरि दिनु भयो | गाउले हरुले राज चै के हो भनि दिनुस भने पछि ति बायोबृद्द ले लामो कुरा किन गरौ तपाइहरुले मानिस नचिनी र उसको ब्यबहारलाइ नजर अन्द्दाज गर्नु भएकोले असफल हुनु भयो | अनि भन्नु होला यहा यो अप्रासाङ्गिक कुरा के को लागि त ? साझामा सबै एक से एक जान्ने बुज्रुक देखि उपबुज्रुक हरुको भेला हुने थलो हो | अनि मेरा गुरुले सुनाएको उखान "जान्ने बुहारीलाई बाटो छोड भनि रहनु पर्दैन" पनि कोरी हालौ | अनि यो कथाको सार तत्व साझाका विद्वानहरुलाई ढाल र गुलाफ सबैले थाहा पाएकै हो भन्ने विद्वान हरुको जामात लाइ layman लाइ जस्तो गरि देख्दा अपमान नै हुने ठानी त्यो पाको मानिसको Exact उत्तर के थियो आफै खोजि गर्नु होस् |
Last edited: 28-Aug-24 09:48 PM

Posted on 08-28-24 10:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1163]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The society we are living in is based on not plain Capitalism but rather financialized Capitalism. No wonder everything is expensive, be it college, books, health care, housing, taxes, insurance, etc even groceries these days. In order to survive, it will cost most people one or more of these :
- soul
- body ( केटा मान्छेहरुले पनि शरिर बेच्छन रे )
- integrity
- health
Because the money or something else in return is perceived to be deceptively more valuable.
मृतकको बारेमा नकारात्मक अनुमान लगाउनु अघि तथ्यहरू बाहिर आउनको लागि अलिक धैर्य गर्नुस। न्याय प्रणालीले तपाईंलाई छिट्टै ति तथ्यहरू प्रदान गर्नेछ| यदि तपाइँ को व्यक्तिगत रूपमा उनले बिगार गरेको भने, त्यसको बारेमा सुनौं।

Last edited: 28-Aug-24 11:25 PM

Posted on 08-29-24 12:43 AM     [Snapshot: 1319]     Reply [Subscribe]
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People seem to miss the crucial fact in this case, that is she never had a father figure in her life. The underlying reason of most of these girls acting immature/weird is because of absent father or weak father who can't instill the values to children. Many young girls these days have "Daddy Issues" and look for a shoulder to lean on. When a father is not able to man up and take responsibility of his family and kids, the society crumbles. 

Poor girl already had hard life. People make different choices depending on their survival mode. who am I to judge?
Last edited: 29-Aug-24 12:43 AM

Posted on 08-29-24 1:28 AM     [Snapshot: 1388]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It’s important to acknowledge that many women have achieved success in life despite the absence of a father figure. I understand that she might have faced significant challenges as a student and perhaps believed that becoming a sugar baby was her only way out of poverty—a path many have taken before her. Please forgive me if this assumption is misguided.

However, regardless of her choices, no one deserves to die in such a manner, where her absence went unnoticed for days until, presumably, the killer informed the apartment management. Otherwise, how long would it have taken for anyone to discover her fate?

Unverified sources have suggested that the perpetrator is a man of Pakistani descent in his 60s. His identity has been disclosed, but I’ll refrain from sharing it until the Houston police release more official information about this tragic incident.

Update: Bobby Singh Shah, 52, of Houston, was booked into Harris County jail at midnight. Shah was charged with capital murder.

Last edited: 29-Aug-24 11:55 AM

Posted on 08-29-24 6:44 AM     [Snapshot: 1534]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There is nothing wrong in making choices in life. Heck nothing wrong being sugar baby. In fact, more Nepali girls should be open to this idea rather then grinding like hell. If they handle it smartly, it will make their life easy and open so many opportunities. Who knows they could be First Lady some day soon. 

It’s just that every action has consequences . Something went wrong in this case and now every aspect of her life will be public. And public will always going to have opinions including us. Public opinion come and go, it won’t matter much. How these facts that will come out in public, will impact her living close relative is what matters now.
Last edited: 29-Aug-24 06:44 AM

Posted on 08-29-24 10:48 AM     [Snapshot: 1729]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Public le opinion diyo bhandai ma mritak ko barema nakaratmak kura matrai gareko haina ni! Yesto ghatana ghate pachi k karan le bhayo ta manche le speculate gari halchan ni. That's very natural human reaction. 

 21 barsa ko keti le herdai 50+ ko budho lai boyfriend banako chai natural ali bhayena. Ki ta paisa ko lagi gareki ho, ki ta green card ko lagi. Ani SQL ji, bau nabako manche ko duita tarika le sochna sakincha. Usko aama le pahila nai mistake garera tetro dukha para hurkeko manche le feri testai mistake gardina bhanera life ma agadi ni ta badhna sakchan ni. 

Life kasaiko ni sajilo ra simple chaina. Sab ko aafnai aafnai problem cha. America ma jo payo tehi aauna sakdainan Nepal bata. Ya student visa ma aauna sakne bhane pachi at least 60% Nepali bhanda mathi status bhako hunu parcha. Maile dekheko problem chai America aaye pachi hami purai swatantra bhayou ra ya ta masti garnu parcha bhanne mentality ho. 

Dherai bacha haru undergraduate lai aauda testai garera bigrera janchan. Student visa ma aako manche le padhna lai prathamikta dinu parcha. Yesta budha ko pachi lagera life bigarna jaruri thiyena. It's a sad story. She did not deserve to die at such a young age despite her choices. Nobody deserves to die unnatural death. J hunu bhai sakyo. Aba yesta kura dekhera chai aru student haru le kehi sikh liye dekhi chai arko life destroy nahola. 

 Mritak lai moksha prapta hos! Jai Shree Ram.
Last edited: 29-Aug-24 10:49 AM

Posted on 08-29-24 11:05 AM     [Snapshot: 1762]     Reply [Subscribe]
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सबैको तर्क सुन्दा घटनाको कतिपय नया नया पाटा पनि देखियो जुन मैले ऐले सम्म कल्पना गरेको थिइन . लोगन जीको कुरो सधै जसो केहि बुझिएन ,अब त वहाँ लाइ बुझ्ने गरि लेख्नुस भन्न पनि मन लग्न छोडी सक्यो . कति एकै कुरामा किच किच गरि बस्नु . तर एउटा कुरो लोगन जी, यो घटनालाइ राजनतिकारण गरि राख्नु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्दैन . म पनि ट्रंपलाइ तपाई जत्तिकै घृणा गर्छु होला सायद , तर त्यो भन्दैमा हरेक कुरो को दोष उसलाई दिई राख्नु जरुरि छैन .
Posted on 08-30-24 12:16 PM     [Snapshot: 2382]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-30-24 12:42 PM     [Snapshot: 2404]     Reply [Subscribe]
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पण्डित नाम हुँदै मा पण्डित नै हु भने जस्तो गरछौ | भालु मन खन्यु माथि भन्थे तिम्रो दिमाग चै तै तिमिहरुले साझामा राजनीति गरिरहेका छौ अनि मलाइ गर्यो भन्न पछि परेनौ | मैले ति महिला लाइ के भनेर लेखेको छु , उनको बारेमा एक शब्द पनि कोरेको छुईन ? दिगाम घास चर्न गएको बेला कम्नेट हानेको हो ? यो कथा एउटा व्यंग हो र कोर्नु आबस्यक ठानी कोरेको हु | तिम्रो दिमागले positively हेर्न सकेन त्यसो हुनुको कारण Preoccupied को कारणले हुन् सक्छ | लेख्योउ "हरेक कुरो को दोष उसलाई दिई राख्नु जरुरि छैन" तर तिमीले कुरै नबुझी औला देखायौ | सुरु देखिका कमेन्ट पढ र किन लेखेको रहेछ बुझ | बुझेनौ भने अर्को साता तिर बुझाउला |
Posted on 08-30-24 1:15 PM     [Snapshot: 2479]     Reply [Subscribe]
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White boyfriend haina raicha ta. Bhaiya sugar daddy le robbery kanda ma mareko jasto cha ta ahile sabai praman herda. Masti garne kram ma jyan gayo. Dhoti lai life without parole dinu parcha.
Posted on 08-30-24 2:28 PM     [Snapshot: 2628]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This gentleman says "Don't be a di*khead" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCvi5sQohLE
Posted on 08-30-24 2:28 PM     [Snapshot: 2623]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shreeram, kasto pungmang kura gareko. Sugar daddy vaye kina robbery garthyo hola, Sugar daddy le sugar baby lai rob garxa hola ta kahi? ani masti garyo vanne kura ta kahi lekheko dekhina ta maile. 

Bro le movie ko script haru lekhne career tira lagda kaso hola baru?
Last edited: 30-Aug-24 02:28 PM

Posted on 08-30-24 2:32 PM     [Snapshot: 2638]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Teslai speculate gareko bhanchan bahun. Maile kahile bhane ki masti gareko praman ma sanga cha nabhanera? Tyo bhaiya le ghar bata niskida keti ko bag lera niskeko cha, ani teslai k bhanne robbery bhanera? Baklol jasto kura nagar na feri Ani Logan chai k bhanna khojeko? J kura ma pani Trump Trump kina gari ra? Khuskyo?
Last edited: 31-Aug-24 06:21 PM


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