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Posted on 12-12-06 9:02
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arlier I had a new thread open for SAP. I was expecting more response but I only recieve one person saying what is Saaaaaaaaaapppppppp. Well, I have been working in SAP not a long ago. If you'e a recent graduate from 4 year degree or Masters degree, you can also start SAP. You take a training at a consulting firm for about 2 months. Then they find you job. They not only find you a job but also sponsor you for the H1-B visa. The starting pay is generally about 25 to 30 dollars per hour for 6 months and after that the billing rate become 70/30. That means if you're billing rate is 70 dolllars per hour, you do that math. You can find various consulting firm's addresses at www.sulekha.com. Hope some of you guys out there will be interested to learn more about SAP. I'm telling this to you all because I was shocked to find 90 percent of SAP consultants from India and I haven't seen more than 1 guy in SAP from Nepal. All this I am telling you is for US only. I will create a new thread by telling you more about SAP. Regards, Prabin
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Posted on 12-13-06 1:00
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Can I learn SAP all by myself, without taking any course? If so, can you please direct me to any free online tutorial? Also, from what I hear, there are many parts of SAP. Is there a particular order one has to go through?
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Posted on 12-13-06 1:24
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for learing sap, go this the following website you will see documents on different parts of SAP. http://www.easymarketplace.de/online-pdfs.php But you will need the system access to practice what you read. For system access, I'm not sure how much it costs. It is not easy to learn SAP by yourself without the system access. You can take some training from some Indian consulting groups. go to www.sulekha.com for contact information of those consulting groups. Regards
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Posted on 12-13-06 1:32
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Ya, that is true that you get paid 70 dollars per hour. But I didn't tell you one crucial thing as why you get that much. Its because you go to the companies as 5 to 6 years of experience professional although u take training for 2/3 months. I was very scared in the begining even to think about making a fake resume. When I took the training here, I found 30 more guys doing the same thing. I asked everyone if they are scared or not doing that. Everyone said, "look at the ppl who have been working". And right now, all of them are working, including me. This is the thing. About you going to Melbourne and taking real training plus work experience, I'm not sure what to say. It looks like a good opportunity. But I don't know how much they'll pay you later on after you graduate. It depends upon whether you enter the market as a fresh person with some experience with Seimens or you also play the game. My suggestion is don't go to Melbourne. Its a waste of money. By the time you'll graduate, you'll already have enough experience if you stay here and start working. What do you say? Prabin
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Posted on 12-13-06 3:38
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Pravin I will be graduating pretty soon. I have no idea what I am going to. I have few options such as: apply for the jobs by myself, or go to one of those recruiterand make the best out of it. You know I see a ray of hope and at the same time I am scared as my mind populates with all these what ifs scenarios.
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Posted on 12-13-06 4:15
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White Flag, No need to worry. Just take a chance. If you find a full time job its fine. But if you become a consultant, its also fine. It is all up to your desire and risk taking ability. Remember in college lot of students work off campus. There is always a fear in working off campus. But they do it. So, its all about how much option do you have in life.
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Posted on 12-13-06 4:42
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prabin 125, I am a full time graduate student of MIS now. I will be graduating in September 2007. Can I also be a trainee while I am studying in the school? regarding work permit, I don't have any and I can't work off campus in my status now. What do you suggest, when can I start to get training from them?
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Posted on 12-13-06 5:20
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Pawan, I think you can take the training during ur college also. Generally they give training on saturday/sunday. but if you're in college its a better idea to focus on college only. find out the training location near ur college and speak with the ppl. thats my suggestion. prabin
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Posted on 12-14-06 9:46
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Thanks Prabin125. So many documents. Where do I start? I am a complete SAP novice. Can you provide some rudimentary guidance? Thanks again.
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Posted on 12-14-06 4:43
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I'd suggest you to go with the following doc. http://help.sap.com/printdocu/core/Print46c/en/data/pdf/LOMDMM/LOMDMM.pdf in this doc, pay attention to the organizational structure. learn what company code means, what sales org means, what plant means, and how they are related to each other. also how material master is created.
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Posted on 12-14-06 6:28
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Riten, Let me know if you have some doubts.
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Posted on 12-14-06 9:06
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yo Prabin i have a question for u. to work in SAP do u need Masters degee or MBA ?? i only have Bachelors degree. -lato
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Posted on 12-14-06 9:18
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i am also planning to join a consulting company in Virginia next year.
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Posted on 12-14-06 11:43
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prabin125, Thank you for your suggestions. I am going Melbourne just because I am getting a full scholarship to do master in Business – ERP Systems which is a joint degree of SAP and Victoria University. Otherwise I will have surely not gone for it. It’s pretty expensive to take SAP training. You are right. Fake experience seems prerequisite to work in SAP sector anywhere in the world. I have checked some forums and most of people seems doing the same. And those who don’t do are left over. So surely I will be doing same. I hope after doing masters in SAP, I will be able to say I have worked in SAP before. I am in Nepal now and will be going to Melbourne in coming June. As I have thought and what you have suggested, I am planning to make my experience as I have worked more1.5 yrs in Nepal in SAP (though I am working in management with some projects in IT). Please feel free to give any suggestions and comments on this. Thank you. Lovenepalwalys :)
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Posted on 12-14-06 11:55
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hey prabin125 thanks that you have sap r/3. Can you share it with me? I am looking for SAP opportunity now..Completed training... Thanks
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Posted on 12-15-06 12:21
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its really good to know that this thread is actually alive. i hope new ppl will come with some questions also.
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Posted on 12-15-06 12:23
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as i told you, i have the CD but no user ID and password. i don't think that would be helpful for you. if you want the CD, thinking you might get the user id/password one day, then send me ur mailing adddress, i'll be happy to send u the copy of the CD.
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Posted on 12-15-06 9:58
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Prabin, thanks. I read that pdf - Master Materials - but am still lost. I guess I will go buy SAP for Dummies book and start from there. But thanks for your help.
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Posted on 12-15-06 10:21
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Did you understand what client means, what company code means? How they are related? By the time your book comes, you can still explore more about Material Management and Sales are Distribution. Both are very much related but purely in opposite way. If you understand more about these two, then it will be easier to understand the core business process.
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Posted on 12-15-06 10:48
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I am going to read your pdf one more time. The first time around, it made me quite confused. But after a while, things are starting to make sense. But I think I need some sort of structure to hold on to. Sorry, that's the way I am. I need a theoretical cabinet in my mind so that I can put things I learn neatly. I checked a nearby Barnes and Noble bookstore. They have "SAMS Teach yourself SAP in 24 hours" book. I was leaning towards buying that but thought I'd drop a note here for you first to ask if you know a better book. Since, you seem to be a SAP guru, here in Sajha, thought I'd ask. As you can see, I am serious about learning SAP.