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 This picture upset me so much, I couldn't keep the rambling to myself
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Posted on 08-15-08 2:39 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I just saw this picture of a man standing on top of former king Tribhuwan (? I'm not sure it is him) in bbc, and this is f***ed up.

This demonstrates the disrespect many of our countrymen has for our history and cultural heritage. A disrespect disguised as patriotism that takes advantage of peoples emotion. Before April 2006, we could count ourselves among the fortunate few including Japan and England, to name a few, where the royal family co-existed as cultural heritage with democratic government. Now I wasn't there when these stuffs happened, but I was in Rochester and it was cold as hell up there. But the point is no matter what the emotion running, anyone with an iota of scruples knows what to honor and to get rid of.

I'm not saying Gynendra was innocent, yes it was his fault that we were pushed into this situation, but that doesn't redeem the fact that we did loose our unique standing in the world, which is sad. If someone is to be blamed it has to be Gynendra but why are people projecting the hatred towards the whole dynasty of royal family? They have given us many things including the gift of unified Nepal. While we are at it why don't we systematically destroy everything Shah starting from the museum in Hanuman doka.

People like the man in the picture are no better than Gynendra, an opportunist and a disruptive element.
Last edited: 15-Aug-08 02:41 PM
Last edited: 15-Aug-08 02:42 PM

Posted on 08-15-08 3:25 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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That guy on top is our typical mitra "blowing where the wind blows". Have no idea what is he doing at all.


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