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Student Looking for Cash Job
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Posted on 01-04-25 4:52
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Looking for cash Jobs 5 days a week. Please text me at 6178045693
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Posted on 01-08-25 2:37
PM [Snapshot: 571]
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तिम्रो बाजेको क्याश जब ! ट्रंपले तिमीलाई मात्र होइन तिम्रो साहुलाइ नि डिपोर्ट गरिदिन्छ अब त् ! आफुलाइ तनाबै तनाब !
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Posted on 01-08-25 2:44
PM [Snapshot: 577]
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instead of looking for cash job ask money from nepal, take more credit and finish your education as soon as possible in 3 to 4 years than get better job .dont waste your life in minimum wage job.if you think you cant study and get better job return back to nepal .if yoy stay here doing minimum wage job you will have 0 savings and you will waste your life hat ma lagyo sunye hunxa.khana launa ta nepal ma job garera ni pugxa.
know one restaurant .It was working well and great profit but they closed now before trump goes in office.the reason is he might get in trouble from the illegal cooks and staff he has.so may be he will reopen with legal staff after trump comes
Last edited: 08-Jan-25 02:49 PM
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Posted on 01-08-25 5:29
PM [Snapshot: 726]
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अब जाँठो ट्रंपको राजमा तिमि हामी जस्ता क्याशमा काम गर्ने नेपालीका दिन गयो बाबु राजा ! याँहा मेरो धोतिले नै मलाइ कहिले निकाली देला भनेर तनाब छ ! धन्न वर्क परमिट एक्सपाएर भाको छैन ! Below are the offenses with the old and new penalties (2024): Type | Old Penalty | New Penalty | Substantive Form I-9 violations – minimum | $272 | $281 | Substantive Form I-9 violations – maximum | $2,701 | $2,789 | Knowingly employing undocumented – 1st order | $676 to $5,404 | $698 to $5,579 | Knowingly employing undocumented – 2nd order | $5,404 to $13,508 | $5,579 to $13,946 | Knowingly employing undocumented – subsequent | $8,106 to $27,018 | $8,369 to $27,894 | Unfair documentary practices | $223 to $2,232 | $230 to $2,304 | Unfair immigration-related employment practice (discrimination) – 1st order | $557 to $4,465 | $575 to $4,610 | Unfair immigration-related employment practice (discrimination) – 2nd order | $4,465 to $11,162 | $4,610 to $11,524 | Unfair immigration-related employment practice (discrimination) – subsequent order | $6,696 to $22,324 | $6,913 to $23,048 | Document Fraud (USC 1324c(a)((1)-(4)) – 1st order | $557 to $4,465 | $575 to $4,610 | Document Fraud (USC 1324c(a)((1)-(4)) –subsequent order | $4,465 to $11,162 | $4,610 to $11,524 | Document Fraud (USC 1324c(a)((5)-(6)) – 1st order | $472 to $3,765 | $487 to $3,887 | Document Fraud (USC 1324c(a)((5)-(6)) –subsequent order | $3,765 to 9,413 | $3,887 to $9,718 | Prohibition of indemnity bonds | $2,701 | $2,789 | Employer’s failure to notify DHS of continuing to employ after final non-confirmation | $942 to $1,881 | $973 to $1,942
Sampurna pokhrel
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Posted on 01-08-25 9:47
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