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 Those who are in TPS, what’s your backup plan?

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Posted on 11-14-24 12:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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God I really hope TPS gets extended, but there’s so much uncertainty right now. What’s your backup plan in case the worst happens and TPS is terminated? 

Are you planning to move to other status?

Also do you really think TPS is going to be terminated for sure?
Last edited: 14-Nov-24 12:19 PM

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Posted on 11-29-24 5:12 PM     [Snapshot: 5161]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good news is coming soon.
Posted on 11-29-24 6:33 PM     [Snapshot: 5250]     Reply [Subscribe]
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what is the good news?
Posted on 11-29-24 6:42 PM     [Snapshot: 5269]     Reply [Subscribe]
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K good news aauna thalyo Sampurna bro?
Posted on 11-29-24 7:32 PM     [Snapshot: 5327]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@username619 I heard that it is probably a good idea to not travel for a little bit, and I am talking about domestic. I guess, one has to find a college in the same state. Have you heard anything like that? 

How long did it take for your friends to get approved or reinstate? Thanks!
Last edited: 29-Nov-24 07:33 PM

Posted on 11-29-24 9:02 PM     [Snapshot: 5466]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@suggestions, Ani bro domestic USA bhitra flight ma travel Garda pani safe chaina ra?2025 pachi ki yahele lai nai safe chaina travel garna lai.
Posted on 11-29-24 10:35 PM     [Snapshot: 5739]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am not sure. I am just sharing what I have heard. Some say even domestic from Jan 2025, and some say only International. So your judgment or talk to a lawyer. I am confused at this point.
Posted on 11-30-24 12:48 PM     [Snapshot: 6166]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@suggestions I haven’t heard anything like that, as long as you have a valid ID you should be good to travel domestically…..according to my friend, it took them a year to get reinstated back to F1
Posted on 11-30-24 5:43 PM     [Snapshot: 6258]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@username619 based on my knowledge, typically if a case is pending with the government, after tps one can be put to removal proceeding due to no legal status. Now I am wondering what would happen in that situation? Correct me if I am wrong. Please share if you have any ideas.
Posted on 12-01-24 1:13 AM     [Snapshot: 6513]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Flying internationally, u r only guaranteed entry if u r a citizen. The immigration officer has complete discretion on admitting non-citizens, doesn’t matter if u have green card, visa, or advance parole.
Domestically, as long as u have some kind of status, tps, pending cases, u won’t be touched anywhere in the country even flying domestically.
Posted on 12-01-24 1:37 AM     [Snapshot: 6545]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@chamling, people who are going to use their IDs to travel domestically which they received through their TPS, that will also expire soon. I don't think one can get it extended including their driver licenses just because they have a case ending??
Posted on 12-01-24 4:25 AM     [Snapshot: 6640]     Reply [Subscribe]
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U only need valid passport to travel domestically. So any passport will work. 

There are also 21 states that issue non-REAL ID drivers license regardless of immigration status, and there r exemptions given to certain states whose non-REAL ID can be used to fly.
Last edited: 01-Dec-24 04:50 AM

Posted on 12-01-24 5:09 AM     [Snapshot: 6727]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can we also use a sponsorship letter from a friend who resides the U.S. to apply for reinstating? Is it a strong document as much as using your own or through parents?
Posted on 12-01-24 7:54 AM     [Snapshot: 6839]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sponsorship garda affidavit dinu parcha. Sworn affidavit diye pachi legally binding agreement jastai huncha. Pachi government le kehi paryo bhane sathi lai samatcha. Testo janera ni garne sathi cha bhane chai you are lucky.
Posted on 12-01-24 8:41 AM     [Snapshot: 6881]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@suggestions why do you wanna use your friend, unless you need funds that’s a different thing…but if you have enough funds to show at university, you should be good…don’t worry about that
Posted on 12-01-24 1:29 PM     [Snapshot: 7115]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good news is coming guys
Posted on 12-01-24 7:20 PM     [Snapshot: 7403]     Reply [Subscribe]
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😂 k good news aauna lagyo tyo ni bhane dekhi kuro bujhinthyo. Singh na puchar ko good news k bhanna khojeko? Kasko lagi good news? TPS holder lai ki TPS birodhi lai good news ho?
Posted on 12-01-24 8:00 PM     [Snapshot: 7470]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@username619 I am trying to figure out how to calculate to know the amount is sufficient. I might have a little less, therefore, I was considering somebody else. I wonder what other documents I can submit as an international student other than bank statement? And can my friend be a cosigner? If anybody has an idea that would be great. Thanks.
Posted on 12-02-24 10:15 AM     [Snapshot: 8137]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@suggestions you can check university tuition fees for international student for that course to see if the amount is sufficient….when I first applied for master before I dropped out, I had less funds to show, so I took a loan for a month from the bank, and asked them to print the statement funds I have, showed that to university, got approved… then after a month returned back the loaned amount
Last edited: 02-Dec-24 10:17 AM

Posted on 12-02-24 11:14 AM     [Snapshot: 8226]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@username619 would you just use annual tuition fee to calculate or include other expenses such accommodation? For example if the tuition fee is $20,000 annually, should I have $40,000 in my bank account because in order to get master's degree one has to take 4 semesters (2 years) worth courses? Also, what banks do you recommend to take a loan. I have never done it before. This is such a different/helpful information, thank you for sharing. But if I do so and got approved, they put money in your bank account? But the process could take up to a year with USCIS. Wouldn't it impact if I take the loan for one month and return it? Am I not supposed to have sufficient funds until I get a decision from USCIS? I don't even understand why they take 1 year to reinstate. And the clock is ticking.
Posted on 12-02-24 11:57 AM     [Snapshot: 8318]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@suggestions I just used the annual tuition fee calculation, I showed them around $30k…annual was $28k…you can show more if you can….not sure what’s your university criteria…. I told them I am in TPS as well, I have my other job to support bla bla…they didn’t really care though, they just wanted the financial bank statement…..

Yeah if you get approved for loan, they will put money in your bank account, and you can ask bank to write a letterhead saying how much available funds you have in your checking account currently, and give that to university…

For what banks to use, you can check around banks close to your place and see which one can give you loan…I used a local bank that’s in my state….you just gotta shop around and see which bank agrees…

Nahh it shouldn’t impact anything with USCIS, once you submit the financial statement to university, if approved, you get a new I20, and you send that i20 to USCIS for reinstatement…..

Yeah it’s a lengthy process, make sure you have a convincing reason why you took a break from f1 when you submit reinstatement form to USCIS…if it’s more than 5 months break, you need a solid convincing reason…..that’s the only part I am scared 🤞….and usually it says 6-8 months, but with current situation might take a year, it’s USCIS, shit takes forever lol

Also talk to your University international advisor, what are the things they need to give you new i20…meet them and ask
Last edited: 02-Dec-24 11:58 AM
Last edited: 02-Dec-24 12:02 PM
Last edited: 02-Dec-24 12:14 PM


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