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 Why Nepali Business Owners in America Are Backing Trump: A Love Affair with Tax Dodging?
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Posted on 10-23-24 2:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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In an unexpected twist, Nepali business owners across the U.S. are lining up behind Donald Trump for the 2024 election, and the reason might surprise you. It’s not about policy. It’s not about politics. It’s about taxes—or, more accurately, how to dodge them.

Donald Trump, the former president famously criticized for avoiding taxes, seems to have struck a chord with this growing community of immigrant entrepreneurs. Nepali-owned restaurants, convenience stores, and mom-and-pop shops dot cities across America, from New York to Los Angeles. But behind their rapid success story lies a familiar tune: they pay little to no taxes, just like Trump himself.

Many in the Nepali business community see Trump not as a former president but as a financial role model. Like the ex-president, they’ve learned to navigate loopholes, leveraging the complexities of the U.S. tax system to their benefit.

“Trump showed us that success isn’t about how much you give to the government, but how much you keep,” says Rajesh, who runs a small restaurant in Queens. “He’s one of us—an outsider who understands that taxes can break you if you’re not careful.”

Dodging or Genius?

Nepali entrepreneurs, much like Trump, argue that tax minimization isn’t criminal—it’s just good business. After all, why give up hard-earned cash if you don’t have to? In the words of one Boston-based grocery store owner: “We’re playing the same game Trump does. And honestly, we’re winning.”

Much like the real estate mogul who famously bragged about paying as little as possible in taxes, these business owners are far from shy about using every deduction and credit in the book. From family employment loopholes to cleverly structuring ownerships, Nepali businesses seem to have found their own “art of the deal.”

But this endorsement of Trump isn’t just about following in his tax-dodging footsteps. It’s also about what they see as his commitment to keeping taxes low and rolling back regulations. For many small business owners struggling to survive in a post-pandemic economy, Trump’s stance on deregulation and his promises of economic growth resonate deeply.

“Under Trump, we felt like we could actually breathe,” says Maya, a small shop owner in Texas. “The last thing we need is more government interference in how we run our businesses.”

The Risk of Tax Dodging Backfiring

But while Trump’s tax-avoiding ways may seem like a blueprint for success, Nepali business owners could be walking a dangerous line. In a country where the IRS is ramping up audits and enforcement, especially for small businesses, tax dodging could quickly turn from a savvy strategy to a legal nightmare.

“Trump has a team of lawyers who can deal with this,” says an accountant in the Nepali community who wished to remain anonymous. “But most of these small businesses don’t. If the IRS decides to make an example out of them, they could be hit with heavy fines, audits, or even criminal charges.”

The Biden administration has also signaled a crackdown on tax evasion, allocating more resources to the IRS for investigating underreported incomes and questionable deductions. This puts these Nepali entrepreneurs—who may have taken shortcuts following Trump’s example—at serious risk.

“Not paying taxes can seem like a good idea until it catches up with you,” warns an attorney familiar with small business tax issues. “Once the IRS gets involved, the penalties can be devastating, potentially wiping out a business overnight.”

Unapologetically Trump, but For How Long?

For now, Nepali business owners seem to be sticking by their man, emboldened by the belief that playing the same game as Trump will lead them to similar success. But the tax-dodging lifestyle might not be sustainable in the long run. As government scrutiny increases and enforcement tightens, these business owners could find themselves paying a high price for trying to follow in Trump’s footsteps.

As one California-based restaurant owner put it: “Trump isn’t just our candidate. He’s our blueprint.” But what happens when the bill comes due?

While Trump managed to dodge significant tax payments for years, he also had the resources to deal with the consequences. Whether Nepali business owners can withstand that same pressure, if it comes, remains to be seen.
Last edited: 23-Oct-24 02:24 PM

Posted on 10-23-24 2:42 PM     [Snapshot: 39]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its fine until you get audited. Then you on your own! tRump not gonna rescue you all ignorant fools. IRS don't kid.
Posted on 10-23-24 8:47 PM     [Snapshot: 203]     Reply [Subscribe]
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