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 enrolling kids to nepal
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Posted on 08-19-24 1:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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We are thinking about moving back to nepal. Been here too long and i want to spend my middle life with my parents and my countrymen relatives. and only thing that worries me is kids eduction. in my opinion there are great schools in nepal to offset that -plus they get to grow up with culture and have ties back to nepal/grand parents relatives. They can always come back to US for college as they are naturalized citizens. But uptil 12th grade, i want to expose them to nepal. We have enough savings. Educating two kids in nepal, what schools do you guys recommed? We can afford to pay 400-500 per kid per month. Few that comes in mind which seems good? rato bunglaw kathmandu international any ideas on the fee structures ?
Posted on 08-19-24 2:02 PM     [Snapshot: 75]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-19-24 2:11 PM     [Snapshot: 54]     Reply [Subscribe]
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you are not alone, i m also in same situation . Very high paying but stressful job that i intend to quit and move Nepal after 5 years . by that time my us born kid will be around 8 . i don't have ancestral property as a backup so cannot give up US citizenship for many years MY plans are : -Keeping my 401 , IRA and other savings for my kid which i assume will be around 1 -1.5 mil USD for his future education if he ever plans to come back to usa . -I will be returning with a house in Katmandu and savings made so far . - i cannot work outside USA but since my spouse is in healthcare industry , she can come to usa work fews months a year to pick some extra cash for rest of year if needed and ill take care of my child that time. challenges : 1. child doesn't speak nepali and we live in non Nepali community , i dont know how to teach him nepali . nepali is compulsory in nepal. goal is to settle him in Nepal , uSA will be just be a backup . regarding your children education, there are plenty of schools, depending which part of country you live and the private schools are way better than public schools in USA . only Nepali language will be a problem .
Posted on 08-19-24 2:11 PM     [Snapshot: 86]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Rato Bangla and Ullens School.
Posted on 08-19-24 2:46 PM     [Snapshot: 151]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Dhuwa dhulo, garmi, tyo motorcycle haru ko awwaz,loadshedding, kathmandu ma takenay thau nai na bhaako karan samjyo ki baru nidaar nai taatera aauchha . Main ta pollution ani populated basti
Posted on 08-19-24 3:11 PM     [Snapshot: 173]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Exactly, काठमाण्डौको धुवा, धुलो, प्रदुशण, कोलाहोल, ध्वनी प्रदुशण, अती भीडभाड, कहली लाग्दो traffic jam, हिले सडक, आदी कसैले खप्न नपरोस । बाल बच्चाहरूलाई काठमाण्डौ हुर्काउन भनेको नर्कमा सीधै लगेर जाक्नु जस्तै हो ।
Posted on 08-19-24 3:24 PM     [Snapshot: 184]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanku for adding hilay sadak, traffic jaam, and flooding on roads during monsoon. Bahira  na-gayera ghar bhitra matra baschhu bhanyo bhane pani you will get dirty. Ani arko kura breathing fresh air is a secret sauce to longevity.
Sathi haru negative comments garna aako haina hai . Farkina saknu huncha hyaaaa tei dhuwa dhulo ma janmyo hurkyo bhane ta salaam cha … hunata yo desh ma paisa cha .. sukha ra shaanti chaina . Kahile ta kaahi ta bekaaaar ma aako jasto cha malai ni .
Last edited: 19-Aug-24 03:25 PM

Posted on 08-19-24 4:08 PM     [Snapshot: 251]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 08-19-24 5:41 PM     [Snapshot: 339]     Reply [Subscribe]
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do you guys know what fee struture for rato bunglaw school is. I looked up website but it is not clear. Yes there are some cons upbringing kids to nepal but there are lots of pros. Rato bunglow seems to have very great system-though pricy but with savings from here, 3-400 a month should be manageable.
Posted on 08-19-24 6:51 PM     [Snapshot: 414]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hareeb bro tyo 3-400 aba ko 5 barsa pachi ni tehi huncha chai bhanna sakinna hai Nepal ma. Currency ko value ghatdai cha every year. Inflation yeto badhi sakyo ki harek ghar bata euta manch bidesh ma holan. Yedi kasaiko ghar bata bidesh ma manche chainan bhane ghar chalauna garo cha. Farkinu aghi ali hos puyraunu hola hai. I can understand your perspective as well. Nepali ka bacha 2-4 barsa Nepal base bhane aafno heritage tha huncha. Natra Nepal chodera baseko hamilai ta teti wasta hudaina, ya janmeko bachalai ta baalai huncha. All the best hareeb bro and the hareeb family.
Posted on 08-20-24 12:29 PM     [Snapshot: 685]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shreeram, Thanks for your response. Yes fully aware of the risk. Thats why i am ensuring i have enough savings. Been here for 2+ decads and still i have this feeling of emptiness no matter how much proparity i make in terms of wealth. We are very well off as a family but there is no sense of belonging and there is this unsatisfaction where life is going. Dherai paisa kamaiyo tara mare pachi sabai choderai jana cha- now i want to spend the rest of my life where there is some purpose with my family. I do understand my obligation to my kids but when i think of it- why is it so bad having them grow up in nepal? yes there are certain luxuries that we will have to sacrifice but they are exactly what it is-"luxuries". Why does it matter if they cannot have pizza, icecream every day. Hami pani nepali dal bhat khayerai hurkeko ho. They will grow up with loving warmth and company with their relatives and grandparents and our culture.Hawa pani bhaneko use to bhai halcha. Yes, public education wise nepal is not upto par but there are alternatives to that if you have $$. plus having studied in nepal upto high school i think uptil then education in nepal is much higher. Also they can always come back here for colege studies as naturalized citizens- I feel there are more pros to cons moving back. just my two cents.. I know its not easy decision and i appreciate all your responses. I know i am not the only one ..
Posted on 08-20-24 7:04 PM     [Snapshot: 823]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@the_harreb.... You really don't need to send your kids to Rato Bangala. There are tons of other good boarding school which are relatively less pricey than Rato Bangala around ktm and your kids will be fine. Returning back to your homeland is never a bad decision. Nepal is where Nepalese belong! I wish you all the best.
Posted on 08-20-24 7:19 PM     [Snapshot: 837]     Reply [Subscribe]
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long time ago i went to Lincoln school for SAT test .i was surprised to see they teach more Things about nepal than other normal nepali schools.infrastructure is better than usa in lincoln school.but walls were all covered with nepali cultural stuff and nature .I guess their curriculum also consists history of nepal too.Most students over there are white and fees are around $1000.If you don’t like pollution you should move to budhanilkantha location for house , mountains trees  and no pollution.
Last edited: 20-Aug-24 07:33 PM

Posted on 08-21-24 7:15 PM     [Snapshot: 1132]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I've come across so many people who want to go back to Nepal, after staying here in US for few years, as there few good schools and its always good that you and your family can stay there. However, you should focus on Health and Healthcare there. I read somewhere that there has been significant increase in respiratory disease in children over the past few years. This is beyond our control. If you are not planning to live in Kathmandu, it might not be as bad though if you are planning to live outside Kathmandu.

Last edited: 22-Aug-24 06:58 AM

Posted on 08-21-24 9:11 PM     [Snapshot: 1212]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thats what i am i talking about. Breathing fresh air is secret sauce to longevity.
Posted on 08-29-24 5:52 PM     [Snapshot: 2486]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Never heard about Dengue virus disease in KTM when we were kids. Now it is fairly common in summer months in KTM. These days people have to be scared of lamkhutte on top of everything else in KTM.

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